First Class Trouble
First Class Trouble

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A small design change or fix for a feature
"Same faction" logs are too powerful

Pretty self explanatory, logs that give the information that two people are in the same faction are just way too powerful.
One personoid can easily get discovered because the other one messed up previously and the same faction log popped up, and even when the two people indicated are residents it allows you to clear1/3 of the players in one go.
I wish we could at least deactivate these types of logs in custom games, or just not have them in general.

Help please

It says I’m banned any suggestions?

Help please

It said I’m banned and won’t let me play any suggestions?

Personoid Checking

It many matches I have seen and easily used a way to check if people are personoids by getting them to click "SQUARE" on a throable Syringe that is near interactive items. If they hesitate, don't do it or pick it up its an easy and cheap way to find out if they are a personoid.

Filtering through everyone at the start of the round when a Syringe like that is found is not fun to play around or with.

Meta Gaming issue

The fact that it shows that someone has disconnected gives a lot of information away. There has been many a time where someone has known to be killed due to the fact they left after being killed. It should show they disconnected after the round ends during the voting period.

Ban these people

Triple d, flamejinx, zhinister. They were calling everyone n-word, f@ggots, and saying inappropriate and sexual things specifically to a player who was obviously a little kid(suck my d...you get the idea)

Toxic Community

Will never play this again due to the toxic chat. No obvious report button on ps5 version.

Ban people who abuse female characters

These people consistently would group up, target the female characters and take turns holding them. This results in the female character having to run away to try and survive and the male characters eventually catching her and killing her. This has happened over and over again, but the players in this lobby were the worst of it.

Playing on PC, unable to find any way to report in game. Why is it so difficult to report harassment?

"McHarbors", console
"Help Lost Sanity", epic
"MasterLynx_", console
"oPumpy", console
"satoru_kuw", console

Vruumba gets stuck in certain rooms

I flew into a room as a vruumba after death at the ski lodge level and the door was one that needed to be held open. The door closed while I was in there and I was trapped for the rest of the game. Not too bad, but it'd be nice to have an option to respawn at the beginning of the level, if need be. Just a suggestion, loved the game so much.

Stop reporting people here

No idea what is directing people to this website but they barely even use it. Use the FCT discord and read #how-to-report otherwise you will just waste your time

ban these people

(except for grape) all four of these people refused to talk and somehow voted to kill me anyways, either they were in a call & teaming or singling me out because i got the game on epic.

Cheaters farming xp

2 players, one of them was personoid in my team, killed everybody and continued playing together, farming xp on tasks, oxygen and etc.

Please take action

Prioritize Report Button

Would definitely like the option to report some people I've played with for absolutely vile harassment, from jokes about assault to use of slurs. Sad to see that feature doesn't exist in game. I also didn't know how to mute the trolls so had to continue playing with them until I was so disgusted I quit the game early.

Ban player hodg3zs92, Raynefire, and MrBananaTheGoat from playing

Use of expletives as child is playing game and whispering “son of a bitch, I got you bitch…” and killing child off with friends

Lobby Voice Chat

Being able to talk in lobby would be really helpful because there's times where someone has to go AFK for a little, or if anyone has someone to invite, but won't know until we queue in for a game.

read what says beside resident

it is the 4th time they ask me this question i cant answer it as personoid it is anoying and you shouldnt be able to ask this

Toxic Community

I played a couple of days ago and liked the game itself, but ended up being very disgusted by the behavior of the toxic community.

Insults like, when they killed me "Drop dead, fat son of a bitch" or when they insult you when you fail in a puzzle or insult you just because, and when they piss me off and ask them NOT to talk to me like that, they insult me back, saying that I am "a woman" " or "on top of that, Catalan", or "she's a Karen" or, "I'm playing with a fat woman" or...

Well, I have the record because it was broadcasting, in the end I had to kill the sound from the administrator because you can't mute the lobby people from the game, and even if it's cooperative, they should also leave that option open so that whoever wants to go to his ball and not listen to anyone because they get uncomfortable, because they can do it. It can also be played regardless of whether you are a human or a robot.

I would appreciate if this feature was activated, because I would like to listen to the sounds of the game, the soundtrack, without sacrificing my emotional peace, because even though it is a game, I am a person behind a screen, and I do not feel comfortable with someone to Whoever doesn't know insults me and brings such bad vibes.

Unfortunately many values have been lost but I think I'm not asking for too much, just respect others and play correctly...

Thank you very much for your attention and good night, take care!!

Jugué hace un par de días y el juego en sí me gustó, pero acabé muy asqueada por la conducta de la comunidad tóxica.

Insultos como, cuando me mataron "Muérete, gorda hija de puta" o que te insulten cuando fallas en un puzzle o te insulten porque sí y cuando al cabrearme y pedir que NO me hablaran así me insultaran de vuelta metiendose en que soy "una mujer" o "encima, catalana", o "es una karen" o, "estoy jugando con una gorda" o...

Bueno, tengo el registro porque estaba emitiendo, al final tuve que matar el sonido desde el administrador porque no se puede silenciar a la gente del lobby desde el juego, y aunque sea cooperativo, también deberían dejar abierta esa opción para que quien quiera ir a su bola y no escuchar a nadie porque se incomoda, pues pueda hacerlo. Igualmente se puede jugar independientemente de que seas un ser humano o un robot.

Agradecería que se activara esta función, porque me gustaría escuchar los sonidos del juego, la banda sonora, sin sacrificar mi paz emocional, porque aunque sea un juego, yo soy una persona detrás de una pantalla, y no me siento cómoda con que alguien a quien no conozca me insulte y traiga tan mal rollo.

Lamentablemente se han perdido muchos valores pero creo que no pido demasiado, simplemente respeta a los demás y juega con corrección...

Muchas gracias por la atención y buenas noches, cuidense!!

Trolls going into the first round and killing everyone except themselves even if they are not personoids

It happened to me twice and I am tired of it, I got personoid and the game was ruined when "Tacobell trooper" and "IDK_Wut2_do" (both using epic games) killed everyone on the ship and blasted into the mic "it's friday" how is that fun

Change something about the game that eliminates the chance of this happening or add a better report feature

Blatant racism

people killing others because of skin color

Add report button to the "recently played with"

AS said in the title, you should be able to report players you recently played with rather than having to wait till the end of the game. It's really annoying to be killed for bs reasons at the start and then not be able to report unless you wait out the entire goshdarn game.

Ban these people

Players EgipcioII, icarobim and JeanSTgamer play on a separate audio call and sharing vital information about the game to troll matches and players


I entered the game as a personoid and when I went to do the symbol mission with the player next to me (LagarToALP), he started playing endlessly bottles, then another friend came who was on call with him and stayed a few more minutes playing infinite bottles , and throughout the game the two were taking turns throwing bottles (I don't know how he got so many bottles in the first phase), when I asked why they were doing that, CRISTAO_ATEU said he wanted to remove all the "race" that entered the game for free through EPIC GAMES. I couldn't play the whole game with him throwing bottles at me. Soon after he said that he had done that because he knew I was the personoid, and the game had just started and there was no way to know. I believe this was an anti-gaming attitude, it makes the game boring and ruins the experience. I have videos of what happened, but I can't upload them here.

Ban these people

The players bryceinator21, and evilsed13 were running around calling people the N word the entire match.

Ban these people

PartnerInCrime07 EnderTeen06 and BlvckBulma killed everyone in the lobby at the starting floor just to help BlckBulma get points to level up, even ended upp killing their teammate.

Ban SVA-Akaza and Furkan_Assasin66 (PSN)

Both were going around calling everyone the N word and teaming to kill other players.