Temporary Ban Issues
Completed / Resolved
May 7, 2021
Hey guys! I was streaming and I've been spammed with by someone with an offensive name spammed me with their user name and now I have a temporary ban on my account. When I come back in after some time, the ban seems to be removed and the spamming is coming back whenever I'm able to connect and I don't know how to move past this. My name is also NerdyOctopus on stream, but stuck and can't play the game past this obnoxious invite issue. Whenever I connect again, I'm stuck with getting spammed.
I think what's happening is theres some sort of killswitch, that's happening with the spam of the invites and I'm the one being impacted by it.
Thanks for describing this in detail here - and I was also happy to hear that it stopped. We will implement a small fix for this issue in the future. Likely patch#3.
We do recommend not befriending people who you are not certain about or do not know and trust.