Just bought game, can't link account
Completed / Resolved
Jun 12, 2021
I just bought the game on steam, but whenever I try to log in I get the error:
StatusUnauthorized Reference: RFC 7235, Section 3.1 - Error:401
Tried Googling it, but the error code just shows a ton of 'law' related websites. Any ideas?
Make an account on versusevil.com, NOT a First Class Trouble account. Then you have to make sure your Versus Evil account is linked to your Steam account. Click your username in the upper right hand corner of the Versus Evil page, then "my account", then "linked accounts" on the left side.
The game doesn't explain this well at all, and the support team won't do their jobs and help you figure this out. Good luck moving forward.
I have the exact same problem i never been able to link my account Once or twice the game showed ask me a code received by mail to enter but each time i the button to valid nothings append