First Class Trouble
First Class Trouble
This post has been merged into Banned issue
Game says I have connectivity issues and then proceeds to say I'm banned
Gil Junior
Apr 27, 2021

I opened this game for the first time today, and after setting up voice chat and audio, I got a little loading indicator on the main menu saying "Waiting for services" for about 3 seconds. Then "Taking longer than expected" for another 3 seconds, and finally "Unable to connect", which appears for about half a second before showing me the message "Bad Request: Unable to Contact Services Check Network Connection And Try Again", with two things that I can click under it, Connect or Cancel. Clicking Connect does nothing, Cancel closes the message. If I leave the message open for too long or alt-tab out of the game, I'll receive another message saying "Bad Request: You Have been Temporarily Banned from Our Services Due to Multiple Reports that go against our Codes of Conduct". That would be really surprising to me, considering that this is the first time I have ever opened this game. Either way, on that second message I can click Accept and go back to the first one. If I click Cancel on the first message, It'll close, but when I click "Play now" or "Player profile", either nothing happens or the message opens again. I can access the settings and the instruction video just fine, I just cannot play the game. Assuming it'd be connectivity issues, I checked my internet, how it's connected, tested it's speed, even went as far as getting diagnostics from my ISP, and there is nothing wrong with it. If that makes any difference, I'm from Brazil, although I don't think that's the issue considering I know other brazilians who play this game without problems.

Gil Junior
Apr 27, 2021

I can see my picture on the corner of the screen, will attach an image to show it. Don't really see my name next to it though, which is odd. I don't use a VPN. It seems to be allowed. Firewall settings says First Class Trouble connection is allowed on all fronts, so I don't know.

Apr 27, 2021

This should be fixed in the next patch!
also, if you are on VPN you could get these issues. can you see your name in the profile picture on the main menu? if you can, that means you are connected. could also be your firewall that blocks it