Can’t even play the game part 2
Completed / Resolved
Scarlet CobraNov 2, 2021
So many people had the same idea to come to ur website there’s over 20 people with the same comment and the same problem if u can’t even play the game then why did We waste the time downloading it get your shit together
Due to high amount of traffic, our services are currently unstable. Our backend team are working as fast as possible to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience
👍 servers can't handle the traffic, it's a free game they should have accounted enough servers.
We had scaled to handle 70.000 CCU which is on par with the recommendation for a PS+ game of our caliber. We also had a system to dynamically scale. However, some of the surronding systems that throw people onto the server when they press find game, didn't stand the pressure of a lot more (a lot) wanting to get in the game. We apologise, but we are working as hard as we can. We have worked all night. So hopefully these issues wont be there as we move forward.