The keycard triangulator is the worst item in the game at the moment, even paper airplanes have more use than it.
To make it at least somewhat useful I suggest the following buffs:
It can now track players holding keycards.
While using the triangulator, press rmb to reveal the position of every keycard on the map (only their model no individual colours), this ability has a cooldown of ... seconds.
With this it's not going to become one of the best items but it will finally become useful. If the personoids want to hide with the keycards, the item will allow them to ignore empty rooms and only go for the ones with a keycard in it. Same goes for residents, you will know not to waste time opening empty rooms if you only need 1 more keycard.
Overall it's not going to be that big of a change but it will certainly make people feel better about having a keycard triangulator.
We buffed the triangulator so it way more useful as it tracks the different colors now :)