First Class Trouble
Games should be monitored at times
Darren Payne
Dec 16, 2021

I don't know if this would work or be a viable option but I just feel that more needs to be done about the people who are ruining the game for everyone else. I really enjoy the game and genuinely get angry when I come across players who just ignore all rules and ruin it for everyone else. Far too often have I come across people who work with a friend to kill off all other players for no reason other than to simply complete the game alone and try to claim all the points etc for themselves. It destroys the game! I have also come across racism, prejudice, discrimination and more. People (including myself) have been killed off in the game because they are from a different country to the others or apparently others don't like the way you talk etc.
There have been days when I have played for 2-3 hours or more and come across these sorts of issues in around 80%-90% of games I play. This is totally unacceptable.
I do report players for these sorts of things but I have no idea if anything is ever done about it.
Maybe having games monitored at times could help reduce these incidents or maybe some people can apply to be an admin/mod player who can keep an eye on things whilst also playing the game.
I just feel something should be done to reduce the amount of people ruining what is otherwise a really fun game.

Feb 9, 2022
Set the status to

We are sorry you are not getting fun games and are running into toxic players. We encourage you to use the ingame tools as we regularly look through every request we get and take action upon them.
However, we also believe that adding in more things to record/watch players would be an violation of the indivual privacy.