Allow voice chat in the Matchmaking Lobby screen
In consideration / not planned
Apr 17, 2021
Make it so that you can talk to your friends in the matchmaking lobby. Currently we all just sit in discord and undeafen while in that screen. It would be more seamless if we could just talk to each other while waiting to get into a new lobby, and not have a gap in the conversation from after the previous game.
Moving this because its a good idea.
This is a bigger rework. For now we will introduce text chat in the coming updates.
text as well for those who are not in discord or are medically mute.
yes, I have played with someone who is medically mute. She kicked ass as personoid. You just gotta pay attention to text chat.
Voice chat is still getting kinks worked out, like if you use mouse buttons for your PTT you can't talk in the end screen either. This game is still in early access however so things like this are expected.