Somewhere on this massive ship there has to be a winter themed entertainment area right (no that would make no sense whatsoever)? So why not add such map with a unique twist
that instead of maintaining a stable oxygen level you have to maintain heat. Instead of oxygen stations there would be ??? that you would have to fill with fuel canisters
so that the central heat system can keep you all alive and warm. Instead of repairing the oxygen generator you have to repair pipes or something (im guessing this wouldn't be
too hard to code since you could just reskin the oxygen.)
There would also be a few new ways to kill residents. Somewhere on the map there would be an ice lake on top of which is a keycard and maybe an item (there could also be a
small hut behind the lake containing the things mentioned before and log instead). The ice can be destroyed by personoids making anyone standing on top of it drown. Skates could also be added. They would grant anyone wearing them a speed boost (similar to the normal sprint boost) while on top of the ice (since diving mask is a thing that probably wouldn't be a problem). Another new way to kill residents would be to drop ice spikes on them in certain places.
I love everything you say here. It would be amazing! However, I do thoroughly believe that we have to work within the boundaries that we have set up the game with oxygen.